What the Peach Fuzz is that?

What the Peach Fuzz is that?

What is Peach Fuzz and how can I remove it from my face? Peach fuzz refers to the fine, thin, light-coloured hair called vellus that often grows on the face, particularly on the cheeks, chin, and upper lip. It's more common in women, but men can also have it. 

It can be more prominent on women as they get older and this may be associated with changes in hormone levels. 

You may want to remove peach fuzz for cosmetic reasons or to create a smoother makeup application surface. There are several methods to remove peach fuzz from the face. 


Threading is an ancient hair removal technique that originated in South Asia and the Middle East and involves using a thin, twisted cotton thread to trap and pull out unwanted hair from the follicle.

Here's how threading typically works:

  1. A piece of cotton thread is doubled and twisted to create a tight loop in the centre.
  2. The thread is then manipulated by the technician using their hands to glide over the skin, trapping the hair in the twisted thread and pulling it out from the root.
  3. Threading allows for precise control, making it suitable for shaping eyebrows and removing unwanted hair from smaller areas of the face, such as the upper lip, chin, and cheeks.

Advantages of threading include:

  • Precision: Threading allows for precise hair removal, making it an excellent option for shaping eyebrows and achieving clean, defined lines.
  • No chemicals: Threading does not involve the use of any chemicals or products, making it a natural hair removal option for those with sensitive skin or allergies.
  • Is a safer alternative to waxing if using tretinoin or roaccutance because it does not stick and pull off the skin like wax does
  • Long-lasting results: Since threading removes hair from the root, it can provide longer-lasting results compared to methods like shaving or depilatory creams


Waxing can be done with hot or strip wax. Hot wax involves applying thick warm wax to the skin and removing when cool, pulling up all the hairs trapped in the wax. With strip wax, a thin layer of wax is spread over the skin and a strip of cloth, plastic or non woven nylon is pressed over the wax, and then is quickly pulled the strip off, removing the hair from the root.

Hot wax is more gentle than strip wax and can be better for delicate areas like the face where you want to minimise pulling on the skin.

Waxing, like threading, provides longer-lasting results compared to shaving or depilatory creams but can be more painful and may cause irritation, especially for those with sensitive skin. Do not wax if you are using strong actives on your skin including tretinoin or have been on roaccutance within the last 6 months.


Dermaplaning is performed by a beauty or skin specialist and involves using a sterile surgical scalpel to gently scrape off the top layer of dead skin cells and peach fuzz from the face, revealing smoother, brighter skin underneath. Dermaplaning can also enhance the effectiveness of skincare products and makeup application.


Shaving is a quick and easy method at home to remove peach fuzz. It involves using a razor specifically designed for the face to gently shave off the hair. Contrary to a common myth, shaving does not make the hair grow back thicker or darker. However, since the hair is cut bluntly at the surface, it may feel slightly coarse as it grows back.

Depilatory Creams 

Depilatory creams contain chemicals that break down the protein structure of the hair, allowing it to be wiped away. These creams are applied to the skin, left on for a few minutes, and then wiped off along with the dissolved hair. It's essential to follow the instructions carefully and perform a patch test first, as these creams can cause irritation in some individuals.

Before trying any hair removal method, it's essential to consider your skin type, sensitivity, and any potential allergies or reactions you may have to certain products or ingredients. If you're unsure which method is best for you, consult with your beautician or skincare professional for personalised advice.

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